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Latest News

03/01/2006 The association is contacting a new PPAS, Terrassa Barcelona.
02/01/2006 Applications are now open for the fly-in in Delft.
17/12/2005 The new website for EUROAVIA has been launched.
10/06/2005 ESA fund to give students hands-on experience of International Space Station and space. Visit website…

Upcoming events

12/03/2006 Fly-in taking place in Delft for one week. Visit website…
25/03/2006 The 2006 Electoral Meeting of the EUROAVIA Congress is taking place in Milano.
16/05/2006 First day of ILA Berlin, the international full-line aerospace trade show and pan-European marketing platform that provides direct access to all European markets. Visit website…

Check the calendar to see all future events.